Pecan Shortbread with Chocolate Drizzle

Fall colors during an Indian Summer—the chickens are in heaven, frolicking in autumn leaves and striking distinguished profiles for the paparazzi. To a bird, the bilge under the leaves must taste as good as this: Pecan Shortbread with Chocolate Drizzle Adapted from Food and Wine 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup pecan flour or 1/2 […]

Moravian Kolaches for Theological Fermionic Bakers

This is the second time I have made kolache, but my first time ever working with quark outside of a particle physics context. Quark. I just love the word. So Anglo-Saxon, full of consonant and bark and spit. Seamus Heaney sort of gravel. The particle physicist who discovered and hence named the quark found the […]