Whole Wheat Flaxen Tartine Bread

Bread dough offers a healthy reminder that even in your absence, the great world spins. Last night, when at long last I arrived back home in Rochester, to restore order in the only way I know I can, I promptly set about to making bread. But in the flurry of kisses from Izzy, the toppling […]

Whole Wheat Challah Back Girl

“Education doesn’t make you happy. Nor does freedom. We don’t become happy just because we’re free – if we are. Or because we’ve been educated – if we have. But because education may be the means by which we realize we are happy. It opens our eyes, our ears, tells us where delights are lurking, […]

Whole Wheat Tartine Bread Moves People

In the Emergency Department, one of the primary goals is to “move people.” One of my consultants told me that a common question in an EM residency interview is to be asked, “how are you at moving people?” An inquiry into how efficient you are with patient care, with, I believe, more of an emphasis […]

Pane Integrale con Miele

Honey and wheat and yeast— it doesn’t get much more Earthy than that. Happy Earth Day. Pane Integrale con Miele Adapted from The Italian Baker Starter ½ cup sourdough starter 2/3 cup warm water 1 ½ cups unbleached bread flour Stir starter into water, add flour and mix into a fine paste. Let rise, covered, […]

Real Bread for Real People

Reality is something I have always questioned. Highly suspect. My first hint to the semi-permeability of existence, I think, was when I first noticed that people could disappear. In some rooms of the world, people appear, my daily astonishment in Labor and Delivery—the constant blebbing of new people into the world from bournes in dark […]

Nosebleed Wheat

Perhaps the name I have given this bread will turn some people off. I do not mean to suggest by the title that I allowed my nose to bleed into the bread dough, yucko. By “Nosebleed” I mean to say that this wheat bread was made at 9,000 feet in Winter Park, Colorado. I needed […]

Sesame and Sunflower Whole Wheat Bread

While in Portland, we visited with Barb and Stan Smith (See the Challah bread story) who now own a beautiful standard schnauzer with the temperament of Miss Piggy, named Macy Gray. They gifted Izzy with a porcelain figurine of herself, which she took to with the zeal of idolatry, and in turn we gifted Barb and […]

Hearty Herb Bread

Something in my neck has coiled as it should not. My world has been halved with left hemi-neglect. Please approach me from the right until further notice. This bread was not the best, it’s contest winning somewhat suspect as now is my opinion of Bob’s taste. It is, however, healthy and hearty and nicely herbed. […]

Whole-Wheat Bread with Wheat Germ and Rye

I would have thought wheat germ to look like a little unicellular organism, perhaps with cowlickish spikelets of wheat hull plumed off its droplet body. Thanks to mass marketing of pharmaceutical cold remedies, I now cannot help but imagine “germs” with grins and sinister eyebrows and little steaming raisin bodies. In reality, wheat germ, I’ll […]