Peanut Butter Truffle Brownies

I’ve been watching my mother embark on yet another knitting project with a surgical sort of attention to detail. She is infamously finicky about the quality of her knitted work, such that she explained to me with great vehemence how the start of a knitting project is as crucial a beginning as an embryo. “Slight errors made at the early embryological stage of a sweater or hat’s creation can create massive developmental problems down the line.” I thank her for her attention detail both during my own embryological stage, and my hat’s. She is as sweet as the peanut butter truffle brownie she made on her stay here last week—I wish she lived next door.

truffle yum

Peanut Butter Truffle Brownies
Adapted from Trader Joe’s flyer
1 package TJ’s Truffle Brownie mix
2 eggs
1 stick unsalted butter
½ container TJ’s Peanut Butter Cups, unwrapped

Preheat the oven to 350. Prepare brownies according to box directions. Remove from oven and press peanut butter cups into the top of the warm brownies, making rows that cover the whole top.


Place brownies back in the oven for two minutes to soften. Allow to cool, ENJOY!

truffle done truffle brownie

Thank you, Mom, and truffle brownies, for reminding me of everything there is in this world to love. because love
Happy Fourth of July!


3 thoughts on “Peanut Butter Truffle Brownies

  1. Thanks for the kudos…I must give my ‘brownie points’ to the other cook in the kitchen, KP…who did the construction. I was the taster and a one minute frosting coach.
    You both remind me what joy can come out of attention to foundation. I love you both.M

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