Rosemary Flax Baguette and Prague

It goes without saying that I have gotten a little behind on my bread blog work—technical difficulties mostly having to do international travel to Eastern Europe, but also with nearly losing a cell phone, lacking appropriate device chargers, and lastly, Charter’s decrepit modem that quietly expired while we were out of town on the graduation […]

Whole Wheat Flaxen Tartine Bread

Bread dough offers a healthy reminder that even in your absence, the great world spins. Last night, when at long last I arrived back home in Rochester, to restore order in the only way I know I can, I promptly set about to making bread. But in the flurry of kisses from Izzy, the toppling […]

Semolina Tartine Bread and Sudden Spring

And of a sudden, Spring. We took to the streets, chickens too, eyes squinted to allow more space for smile. I went to procure the nearest ice cream cone with which to celebrate Melting Of All Kinds. We break bread and give thanks. Semolina Tartine Bread Adapted from the Tartine Bread book Sourdough          200 […]

Multi-Grain Bread with Sesame, Flax, and Poppy Seeds

Dear world, thank you for fiber and for recipes that make it palatable. Also, thank you for making my duodenum impassable to long, firm tubes. Long story, but it involves my signing up to be a study patient, suffering the “introduction of a plastic tube past my oropharynx” as the technician neatly summarized a wild […]