Bake This Day Challah and Home

“All bread is the bread of heaven, her father used to say. It expresses the will of God to sustain us in this flesh, in this life. Weary or bitter or bewildered as we may be, God is faithful. He lets us wander so we will know what it means to come home.” ― Marilynne […]

Hearty Herb Bread

Something in my neck has coiled as it should not. My world has been halved with left hemi-neglect. Please approach me from the right until further notice. This bread was not the best, it’s contest winning somewhat suspect as now is my opinion of Bob’s taste. It is, however, healthy and hearty and nicely herbed. […]

Whole-Wheat Bread with Wheat Germ and Rye

I would have thought wheat germ to look like a little unicellular organism, perhaps with cowlickish spikelets of wheat hull plumed off its droplet body. Thanks to mass marketing of pharmaceutical cold remedies, I now cannot help but imagine “germs” with grins and sinister eyebrows and little steaming raisin bodies. In reality, wheat germ, I’ll […]